How to get a job Fast!

8:38 AM


    • 1
      Start your job search by making a list of your 10 most important job skills. The list will help you narrow your job search.
    • 2
      Call friends who might know of any job openings. A friend's recommendation is one of the best ways to get a job quickly.
    • 3
      Carry your resume with you wherever you go. Opportunity can knock more than once but you have to be prepared to answer immediately.
    • 4
      Post your employment information on web-based employment sites. Although some of these may take time to respond, you are sewing the seeds for future employment possibilities.
    • 5
      Prepare yourself mentally to accept a position with lower pay or that gets your foot in the door.
    • 6
      Respond to every possible job opening in the classifieds and posted on bulletin boards. Check out seasonal job offers posted in public areas such as libraries and laundromats. Temporary employment is better than no employment at all.

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