Personal Skills Required to Make the Top Employers Hire You

2:46 PM

Like a product needs to be attractive and of good quality to be sold to the buyer, the same goes for a job seeker. In the context of job market, a job seeker needs to possess certain skills, which makes him eligible for job selection. The following article highlights several important skills required to make you the first choice of the potential employer.
If we could know what an employer is looking for in a job applicant, getting the desired job would have become much easier. Preparing a right resume, cover letter and qualifications constitute an important part of the job selection process. However, there are several skills that every employer looks for, and knowing them is one step closer to your dream job.
Here we discuss the skills that can become your USP. These are the skills that are universally expected by every employer. These include:
Communication Skills
Communication skills, which include written, listening and verbal communication, constitute the most important attributes required to be selected by any employer. The ability to communicate effectively is an important requirement in any profession, especially in job profiles such as sales, HR, and marketing.
While your communication skills can be clearly tested at the time of job interview, it is wise to highlight your proficiency in writing or communicating skills in resume. Those who wish to improve on their communication skills; reading is the best way. After all, no one is a great communicator by birth.
Computer Literacy
With an increase in the dependency on the Internet and computers in every big or small organization, the candidates with the basic knowledge of word processing, email and spreadsheet is a useful resource for any employer.
To increase your skills in computer literacy, joining a computer training school is a useful method. Several beginners and advanced computer learnings are taught by many computer institutions.
Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skill reflects the ability of a person to relate to other co-workers. To maintain a congenial work environment, every employer looks for this skill. A person who possesses this quality can mitigate conflicts and inspire others at the workplace. Since an employee needs to spend several hours at work place, it becomes crucial to develop this skill. Making efforts to enhance your Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ), you can certainly enhance your employability.
Analytical Skills
The ability to analytically assess any situation, gather the required information efficiently, identifying the important issues, and finding solution are some of the qualities that hold high importance in the competitive job scenario. To communicate this skill on resume or at the time of interview, you can demonstrate complex situations and major achievements in your previous work role.
One can effectively improve on analytical skills by working on mathematics problems and developing a habit of reading content based on critical issues.
Adaptability and Flexibility
These job skills are important to manage a number of tasks efficiently. With most of the job roles involving multi-tasking, the ability to be flexible in managing different priorities is an important skill expected by a recruiter.
In order to improve on your adaptability and flexibility skills, it is important to monitor yourself under challenging situations. Be ready to demonstrate this skill to your employer by communicating them effectively through some detailed examples.

No one can deny the fact that if you possess such abilities, you can gain competitive advantage over others. If you possess many of the above mentioned attributes, it is great! However, those who do not; can easily improve upon them by taking mentoring, training or professional development guidance to develop such skills.
Hence, understand where you lack and tailor your resume to highlight how your skills meet the common requirements of the employer.

About the Guest Author: Rashmi Karan is a web enthusiast and a professional writer who keeps an eagle eye on the trends of the employment sector. She writes on the latest happenings in the employment industry and offers useful advices.  Search Project Management Jobs in India.

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