FAQ for Everyone
- Q. How does the Jobfetcher site work?
A. We import the info from the top jobs websites and blogs in Nigeria and display the headlines of the most recent posts. When you place the cursor over a headline, we display part of the job stat so that you can decide if you’d like to view it. To read the story, click on its title. To go to the home page of the site, click on its domain name(e.g www.amanidiot.com)
- Q. How often do you update the feeds?
A. Approximately once an hour.
- Q. Some of my favorite job sites are not included, how do I get you to add them?
A. Make the suggestion through our contact page. Please note: if your favorite sites don’t provide an RSS feed, we cannot import their stories.
Q. Why does the order of feeds sometimes change?
A. If our server cannot get a site’s stories in a reasonable time, we skip it, and go on to the next one.
- Q. Couldn’t I build my own custom aggregation using a feed reader, customizable home pages,etc?
A. Yes, you could—knock yourself out. While you’re at it, you could backup your hard disk, bake your own bread, iron your own shirts, floss daily, repair your own car,call all the job boards and treck to work.
- Q. How do I suggest an additional job site or company?
A. Make the suggestion through our contact page
- Q. How can I advertise on Jobfetcher or sponsor the whole thing?
A. :D,Please….please see our advertising page.
7. Q. Do i need to signup like job boards?
A. Nope,we don't want to waste your time,just view the jobs then go directly to the employers portal or job board.
7. Q. Do i need to signup like job boards?
A. Nope,we don't want to waste your time,just view the jobs then go directly to the employers portal or job board.
FAQ for Site Owners and Bloggers
- Q. How do I get my site or blog added to Jobfetcher?
A. Use our contact form to provide us with information about your site or blog, and we’ll see what we can do.
- Q. How do I get my site or blog moved up the page?
A. Send us a persuasive message, FYI, telling your readers about Jobfetcher, and blogrolling are particularly persuasive.
- Q. What if I want my site or blog removed from Jobfetcher?
A. Because you have too much traffic? Sure, just contact us, and we’ll take it off.
- Q. My feed was on Jobfetcher and now it’s gone—what happened?
- Several things could have happened. First, we “hide” feeds that have not updated in thirty days. If you don’t keep it updated, we won’t display old stuff. Second, your feed address may have broken. This often happens when you switch to a different feed vendor.
- Q. I have a blog where I give career advice how can I get my articles to show on your blog?
- Send us a message using the contact form, add links to two job related posts and we’d get back to you!
FAQ for Advertisers
- Q. Do you have information about advertising on Jobfetcher?
A. Please see our advertising page.