Using Your Looks for Career Success (Without Going Overboard)

1:33 AM

Editors note:this article is by Robert Digiacomo,for Yahoo!Hotjobs
Using Your Looks for Career Success (Without Going Overboard)

If you're trying to climb the corporate ladder or you're among the millions seeking work, a good resume and years of experience may not be enough to set you apart from the competition.
The elephant in the executive suite could be how good you look. According to a Yahoo! HotJobs poll, 75 percent of respondents believe they are more likely to get a promotion or a raise if they improve how they look on the job.
This appearance-success connection is backed up by career experts, who say the more together your overall look, the more likely it is you will find career success.
Here are tips on how to maximize your appearance without having to resort to the surgeon's knife:
Look the Part
That you've got Barbra Streisand's nose or a predisposition to really bad hair days doesn't matter if your personal presentation dovetails with the requirements of your job.
Financial advisors, for example, are better-served by well-cut suits, pricey haircuts and regular manicures than computer software specialists developing the next big social networking application.
"Barring a five-figure investment in plastic surgery, we have the looks we were born with, and unless you work in the entertainment industry, it doesn't matter," says Jennifer Selby Long, a management consultant and executive coach in the San Francisco area. "What does matter is making the most of what you've got, and in business, this means carefully honing your appearance, so that you look like you are already a long-standing member of the group."
Too Good Looking?
You may be justifiably proud of your buff physique, but playing up your pecs through body-hugging outfits or putting too much rouge on those sculpted cheekbones can bring you all the attention for all the wrong reasons.
"Your looks should enhance what you have, which is your skills," says Rachel Weingarten, author ofCareer and Corporate Cool: How to Look, Dress and Act the Part at Every Stage of Your Career. "It's important to remember not to use your looks when you've got so much else going on for you. Because it will come back to haunt you -- it always does."
Uniform Appearance
The key is to balance looking your best with avoiding standing out too much, says Vicky Oliver, author of several books, including Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots.
A little creativity through accessories can go a long way, with men adding that extra something through a unique tie and women with a standout belt.
"The uniform that you wear says, 'I know what it takes to look professional,'" Oliver explains. "The creative touch that you add says, 'I have a spark.'"
But even the best-tailored clothes can be too much, if your designer duds overshadow those of your boss.
"Don't spend out of your budget on a $500 haircut, Weingarten says. "And don't outspend your boss. If your boss can't afford Prada, it's not going to help you get a raise if you wear it. The real trick is to look effortless."

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