Great! Now is the time to have a break from your overbearing boss, the disturbing noise in the office and the discouraging pile of papers that never seem to stop coming in. Now, you can sleep without dreaming of the workload you will face tomorrow or that boring, but necessary executive meeting you have to chair. 4 whole days of freedom! What a treat!
 If anything makes the average worker happy, it is the holiday because it is time to recharge his/her batteries and to catch fun as much as possible. But be careful, holiday also comes with challenges and opportunities and is the period that will separate those who will advance in their careers from those who won’t. So, which party do you belong? I am sure you like something good…
As you catch fun, also find time to strategically think of how you can further your career. How much progress have you made at work since the last time you were on holiday? What aspects of your job would you like to change? What areas do you think need improvement?
 You need to utilise the holiday to boost, not blow, your career and here are three ways to do that:
  • NETWORK : As you attend parties, clubs and other social meetings, use the opportunity to establish new relationships and rekindle old or lost ones, especially those that can further your career interests. Concentrate more on good networking than on the foods and drinks around you.
  •  MANAGE YOUR TIME: If you are not careful, at the end of the holiday, you may find out that you have not achieved anything worthwhile. This is because many irrelevant, attention-grabbing situations may come up. For instance, while you are about to write that report you have laid off for a long time, a seemingly interesting series may pop up on the TV screen and you are caught up for the next one to two hours. That is why you need to have a written plan that contains the goals you want achieved and follow them up with a disciplined mind.
  •   COACH YOURSELF: Now is the best time to train yourself up in areas where you lag behind in your career. Do a lot of searching, ask questions, watch and listen to programmes that can educate you on areas you are not strong and read, read and read! Go back to your office more empowered, more enlightened and ready to make groundbreaking suggestions.
 I should leave now because I can feel your enthusiasm in getting started to make the best use of this break to take your career to the next level. As you begin, keep Ralph Marston’s message at the back of your mind – Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.
*What other things do you think one can do in the holiday to strengthen one’s career? Your comments are welcome!