How the Don’ts become the Do’s in real-world job networking !!
6:03 AM(Surprising
tips on networking in a business gathering by Jemina H.I[Career consultant guest post])
The daily
hassles of job searching could almost kill whatever creative senses you once
possessed. From one career coach to another, saying you are not doing things
right, in the end you amend so much of your personality and your CV you end up
misplacing certain unique traits that make you … YOU!!

1. Reverse
the resume rule
More often
than not for we job seekers , the night before we are to attend a business
gathering, in between the time when we are practicing our smiles and rehearsing
an introductory note we send for more copies of our CV, yes that’s right!! The
resume rule says have as many copies of your CV with you always and everywhere
you go but I’m here to tell you my good people *in a preacher’s voice* that
it’s totally wrong and won’t help. Yes you want to speedily hand out your CV to
the guy/lady from HR you just met so they could call you as soon as possible.
However we fail to remember a resume is just a piece of paper and interestingly
yours won’t be the only one the HR lady/guy receives in that event so the
question is how are you remembered? answer? ok. The answer is DON’T GO
WITH A CV!! Yes it’s crazy advice but it works. Let them ask for it and you
say, “Sorry it’s not here with me but I do have a soft copy on my Ipad do you
mind giving me your email address?” at this point you’ve not only managed to
get your CV across but you also got their contact details so once in a while
you could throw in season’s greetings messages and subtle reminders about on
your CV. Also ensure it’s a direct email address and not that of the
2. Clown
colors do the trick!
A few years
back I was from the school of thought that you should look as constipatedly(if
the word exists) serious as possible when attending business events. Wear dark
colors, shave your head, and pack your hair in the tightest bun till your
forehead looks like a hammer. I’m sure you are getting my drift. From all the
research and discussions I’ve had with employers, I’ve discovered a consensus
on one quality job seekers lack and it is the ability to stand out. Job seekers
need to understand that employers see thousands of faces and resume’s and they
often will contact individuals who made a good lasting impression. Of course it
is important to power dress but who says power dressing only embodies dark
colors and an overly-serious look. For the ladies maybe next time you go job
hunting in a business event try a pink jacket instead of black or navy blue or
a bold color of lipstick could work. And for the men how about brightly colored
ties or a unique bag the worst that could happen is the HR lady/man says “ wow
,that is an interesting choice of color” this shows you have a daring and
unique personality not just some face in the crowd and Yes! Also something they
can remember you by during the CV review sessions “the guy with the funny
colored tie”.
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