Protection Education: Five Ways to Make Conservation a Career

5:33 PM

You’re passionate about conservation. Protecting our planet, its resources, and its animal and plant life is a top priority. You could make a career out of conserving the environment. Actually, there are many ways you can make a career out of it. Here are five professions that are vital to the safeguarding of Planet Earth.

Environmental Journalist

Protecting the environment is big news: people are eager for stories about conservation, dangers to habitats and ecosystems, developments and breakthroughs, and successful programs. A journalist specializing in this area is at the forefront of informing and educating the public about vital environmental topics. Requirements include a bachelor’s degree in journalism, writing and communications skills, and motivation.

Landscape Architect

The future is bright for members of this profession. The planned project might be a sports arena, park, shopping center, or any other venture.
Before construction begins, the landscape architect considers environmental factors including climate, animal and plant life, and type of soil. As the project moves toward completion, he or she determines many facets of construction: from selecting greenery to choosing the types of building materials. This career involves research and a knowledge of construction, botany, geology, and related disciplines.

Wildlife Biologist

This is a broad-spectrum field. Practitioners include specialists in wildlife monitoring, marine animals and their environment, and fishery management. Preparation for this rewarding yet competitive career includes the study of mammals, birds, and other wildlife, land and water ecosystems, animal physiology, and more. Sandra Conway, a graduate of Unity College with a degree in wildlife biology says, “The program is a combination of comprehensive course work and hands-on training. This background enabled me to find a position that makes a positive difference in a tangible way.”

Policy Developer

As corporations and businesses must meet environmental guidelines, policy developers play an important role in determining the rules they must follow. They take into account recommendations from researchers, environmental protection specialists, and the involved corporations. Individuals with an interest in policy making, legal aspects of the issues, and negotiating will find this a stimulating and rewarding career choice.

Ecotourism Guide

You love the outdoors and travel, so a career as an ecotourism guide may be tailor-made for you. More and more people are interested in vacations coupled with opportunities to visit distant and sensitive environments. Expert, enthusiastic guides accompany tourists as they travel to and learn about vital ecosystems. These travelers rely on their guide’s knowledge about the best routes, places to stay, and specific aspects about the area they are visiting (herpetology, the study of amphibians and reptiles, for example).
Now that you’ve been introduced to a variety of fascinating and fulfilling environmental careers, there’s only one thing left to do: choose the one that’s right for you.

About the Guest Author:  A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here. For more information on a degree in wildlife biology, Anica suggests you check out Unity College and their premier programs for conservation education.

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