5 Alarming Signs You Need a Quick Career Change

8:37 PM

Making a career choice is perhaps the second most important decision that we make, with first being the marriage. Remember, when you find a career, you develop a relationship with that career. Therefore, you have to ensure total commitment, build a strong and maintain a clean reputation. You work along with a team were you give your bits of insights and share your expertise for the accomplishment of the goals. Just like any relationship, there might be some issues in your job. There could be misunderstandings, conflicts of interests or collision of ideas.
As an employee, we spend 15%-20% of our life at the workplace. This is a significant part of our life that we burn up in our offices. Therefore, it is fairly important that we do something meaningful with this major portion of our life. However, some people just take it for granted and select a job that eventually does more harm to them than good.

Some people get struck by the charm of a job only to get frustrated in the end, while some become the victim of dirty workplace politics. Ultimately, they hate themselves for making the bad career selection and experiencing all the sufferings. So, if you are a victim of job frustration, then these warning signs will help you identify your issues and make a career change.

Sign#1: You Have Lost a Sense of Purpose

Losing fulfillment in your job is the prominent sign that indicates an immediate career change. People who cannot enjoy their job become stagnant in their career. As they feel no spark in their job, they become stressed and unproductive. Eventually, they go through a professional hiatus that badly affect their career.

When we lose the ‘interest’ factor in a job, we lose our energy, passion, determination and our goal. As a worker, you must feel passionate towards your work. However, when you suffer from a loss of purpose, then that passion tends to disappear thereby alerting you to make a quick career change

Sign#2: You Feel Less Valued At the Workplace

Often, employees complain about the lack of acknowledgement and appreciation from their employer. Sometimes, they become the victim of favoritism at workplace where they receive less share of appreciation for their hard work. In such situation, they feel belittled and undervalued, which cause them to drop their job.

Every worker needs appreciation of his efforts and so without any real acknowledgement, no worker can deliver results to the best of his potential. The acknowledgment can be in any form: a word of appreciation or an increment. However, if you are feeling like a rejected employee whose efforts are not reciprocated, then you need to change your job.

Sign#3: You Are Subject To Political Victimization

Workplace politics is an unavoidable reality. But, if it starts to affect your performance, then it is terribly bad for your professional reputation. Being a victim of workplace politics, you might feel deprived and disappointed. In the worst case scenario, you might even develop negative thoughts against your colleagues. These things can severely throttle your professional developments and may result in an irreversible damage in the long run.

Office politics is a common element in the organizations. Most of the time, it is the lust for power and authority. But, if you happen to be a victim of deadly workplace politics, then it is better to part ways with your organization. Instead, you should look for a job in an organization where you can channel your energies in a productive way.

Sign#4: You Are Worn-Out Due To Financial Stress

The underlying causes of job dissatisfaction might lie in your low pay scale. Your salary and perks have a lot to do with your performance at both personal and professional level. You cannot give your best if your mind is preoccupied with the thoughts of unpaid bills and unsettled premiums.

Financial stress is a common problem with the workers. But, if your stress levels are affecting your family life, mood and your health, then you need to seriously think about a perfect solution. Does your current salary is insufficient to support your financial matters? Is your monthly dues of credit card is rolling in as you cannot pay your bills? If yes, then you need to find a new job with better salary so that you can get rid of your financial stress and focus on your career effectively.

Sign#5: You Feel Lack of Gratification

Do you force yourself every morning to wake up and go to office? Is the idea of doing your job does not charm you? If so, then there is something wrong with your selection of career. Many times, people make a wrong career choice which affects them in future. As a creative person you might feel burnt out in a job that involves operating machines. Similarly, you cannot enjoy your job as a war correspondent because you are too sensitive to cover live shots of shootouts in a warring zone.

You cannot live up to your fullest if you cannot enjoy your profession and a wrong career choice is the cause behind it. So, if you are not satisfied with your current career and if you feel stressed every time you leave the office, then you should find a career that you love.

Stewart Agron's profile photoAbout the Guest Author: A senior consultant at Dissertationarena.co.uk, Stewart Agron enjoys admiring the wonders of nature and indulging herself in the beauty of the Cosmos. Her other hobbies include reading inspirational write-ups, writing engaging articles and driving.

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