Effective Human Resourcing - 6 Mobile-Recruitment Strategies to Implement!

4:15 PM

Mobile recruitment is the latest phenomenon in the hiring process. Today, many employers and recruiters leverage the mobile technology to advertise a job ad and attract the potential job seekers. The budding trend of social media is another aspect that made mobile strategy a ‘must’ for every recruiter. Today, every company has set up a career page on their social profile as more people prefer social media to check their status updates and tweets.

These revelations are enough to claim that mobile hiring is going to explode in the years to come. In this competitive job market where employees have more options in choosing their careers, the use of mobile recruitment has become a rule and not an exception. No employer can stay for long in the competition without implementing a foolproof mobile hiring strategy. So, in case you are looking for some effective ways to identify and recruit talent heads via mobile recruitment, you need to take a look at the following strategies:

  1. Attract Passive Job Seekers
A mobile recruiting strategy is not meant only for the active job seekers. In fact, you can attract a lot of passive job seekers, who have an attractive portfolio. All you need to do is to implement a strong marketing campaign such as blogging, social media management, SEO-optimized contents and everything that can pull in your niche audience to the career resources of your website.

  1. Facilitate the Job Seekers With Appropriate Information

Make the whole “searching and researching” affair easier for the job seeker. Job seekers look for job description and the responsibilities in a job. Therefore, you must incorporate these essentials in your website. Today, every organization has a career page which defines the company’s goals, career choices and company culture. A job seeker will prefer an organization which offers details pertaining to its organization and career choices than one with a career page that has insufficient information.

  1. Enhance the User Experience

Mobile users are a different audience altogether. They have a shorter attention span and therefore get frustrated by long descriptions. For an effective mobile strategy, you must shoehorn contents in your career page. Write job descriptions in bullets and use images to suggest important information. Look into the career pages of your competitors for a better understanding.

  1. Keep Tabs on The Site’s Performance

As mobile users are fast and quick to respond, they will not hesitate to jump from your career page if it is too slow or if it has constant issues of downtime. Mobile industry operates throughout the day and a slight interruption can devoid you of potential candidates. Therefore, it is important that you employ the best IT personnel who can supervise traffic flow on your career page and ensure that it works 24/7. In addition, you should equip your staff with the most up-to-date gadgets to deal with any issues that interrupt the flow of traffic to your website.

  1. Social Hiring And Mobile Devices

No recruitment policy can function without a strong social media strategy. As most of the employers spending dollars on aspects of social media marketing, you cannot afford to stay behind in the competition and lose the pool of talented people. With a solid social media strategy, you can capture the maximum potential candidates who might find interest in career opportunities your organization has to offer.

  1. Work Up A Strategy That Goes With Routine Of Your Audience

Users of social sites use mobile devices to check their status updates and comments in the timeline. However, there is a time pattern when they do all these activities like in the morning (06:30am to 09:00am), noon (12:00pm to 02:30pm) and from evening 05:00 pm till night. So, unless you are actively interacting with your audience on these timings, your recruiting strategy will not bring in any meaningful results.

About Author:
Florence Jessica a “shy inside, funny outside” type of girl working as a consultant for   WritersLounge. She’s has a keen interest in writing blogs and articles on anything that ticks her mind. In her leisure time, she can be seen playing around with her pets and watching TV series.

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