Want to Work Abroad? The Best Companies to Work For !

10:49 AM

Far and away, the most prevalent obstacle stopping you from working abroad is that little four-letter word: visa. Ask anyone who’s gone through the process: Applying for, securing, maintaining, and following the rules of a work visa is a nightmare, nine times out of ten.
So, can you hack the visa process?
The short answer is no. But certain companies are more conducive to sending you abroad than others. Here are a few of them to consider.

Companies That Transfer Frequently

HSBC (and Other Banks)

HSBC’s international management program is famous for being extraordinarily travel-enabled. Participants of the program get to shuffle around the globe, learning about various business demands in the world of banking, to figure out where they would like to be placed after the program.
In fact, if you want to work abroad, getting a job at any of the big investment banks and putting in your time is a solid path to choose—BarclaysGoldman SachsUBS, and Morgan Stanley will all offer similar opportunities. If you make your intentions of going abroad known from day one, you’re likely to be considered for an international transfer. That’s true whether you work in operations, compliance, or investment management.


It’s purely anecdotal, but I have several friends who have moved from Google London to Google New York, or vice versa. In a similar vein, I know several Americans who have been hired at international Google locations, despite not having a visa. Because Google is a powerhouse, paying to sponsor a highly skilled worker isn’t a problem; it’s clear that the company wants the best talent, and it’s willing to shell out for it. It’s also got myriad initiatives, like Google Giving, that maintain an international component.


This consulting firm has offices all over the globe. While I’ve heard that it’s not always easy to transfer globally, I also know Americans who have secured visas to work in Accenture’s international offices, as well as others who have transferred from a domestic office after putting in at least three years with the company.


If you’re a smart enough cookie to land a job at Bain, it’s likely that you will be able to go abroad. Around 25% of associate consultants have worked at more than one Bain location, and some spend six to 12 months with other companies in a temporary arrangement.

Companies With Exchange Programs

L.E.K. Consulting

This global firm offers its professionals the chance to work abroad in order to address international client challenges and gain exposure to international business issues. According to the website, at least one-third of the company’s employees have participated in the SWAP program, whereby they take part in three to six month exchanges.

Boston Consulting Group

BCG allows employees to work for short stints at a “peer firm” in another country through theinternational employee exchange program. Short and sweet. No visa required.


If consulting and banking isn’t your bag, but you still want to go abroad, look into Edelman’s global fellows program. The company will send “high-potential employees” abroad for up to a year and a half to experience work in other markets.


This insurance giant offers graduates the opportunity to take part in its professional development program, a multi-year rotational leadership program. Participants are allowed to work in offices outside of the United States.

Texas Instruments

You may most remember this semiconductor design and manufacturing company from your high school graphing calculator, but it also offers global rotation programs in both engineering and softer fields. While it may not sound like the most glamorous place to work, many international opportunities come from giants like TI, with tons of cash flow that enables them to manage the difficult process of shifting employees abroad.

Editors Notes
Source: themuse

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