Turn That Frown Upside Down: Are You a Happy Employee? [infographic] - Career News | PayScale

7:43 PM

The sad reality of having a job is that you probably hate it, at least some of the time. No one wants to do something that they "have" to do. So what does it take to make you a happy camper at work? Let's take a look at Yast.com's infographic "What Makes an Employee Happy?" to find out.
Job seekers might find it shocking to learn that, according to this infographic, employee happiness isn't all about compensation and bonuses. As it turns out, happy employees are ones that actually enjoy what they're doing and find great satisfaction in their work. Yast.com indicates that 80 percent of employees stay with their current employer because they simply enjoy their jobs. The right combination of recognition, reward (bonuses), job security, and compensation results in happy employees. Go figure! Take a look at the infographic below to see how your job satisfaction stacks up.

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